Fete Du Velo 2019

30th of June 2019 at Redourn Hertfordshire

On a beautiful day in Hertfordshire Abbey travelled an hour and a half to the amazing Redbourn event. In many ways a traditional village green crit but catering for everyone with riders from Ipswich and surround areas in attendance. Below are some photos of Abbey. It has to be said we have seen larger fields at Fete Du Velo, but still the racing was amazing.

Abbey had a great race with a boy. He led from the start, Abbey reeled him on, worked out his strengths and weaknesses and did her thing for the last 2 laps to win be the length of the finishing straight.

Abbey podium – 1st place
Abbey in though on the 2nd row
My favorite photo with Abbey realising whats going to happen as the race starts. Sharp girl
Fist lap with Abbey and Aaron chasing the leader
Abbey making the catch
Passing to take the lead
Eventually Abbey won with a fair distance to 2nd place