Lotus RoaD Race Round 1

29th of May 2021

Today I went to Lotus Near Norwich for the first road race under normal conditions. The girl I was going to race against didn’t turn up. I had to race against just boys who have a bigger sprint than girls. I decided to sprint from the start. I put a 1minute 53 second first lap, which was about 25.3mph avg. This meant I had a lead of about 10 seconds to the field. After a couple of laps on my own two boys worked together and caught up to me. One dropped off the back so I asked the other boy if we could work together, which we did. It didn’t help my average speed, but there was just two of us. On the corner before the last one, I did a sprint at 28.7 mph, but it was too far out at about 800 mtrs. The boy kept up and passed me as we went into the last corner. We were together in the last corner and sprinted together towards the line, but he was stronger and took the over all win. I’m not sure where everyone else finished, but they were about half a lap or more back and I lapped some of my age group twice. It was nice to finally to do a proper road race. I really enjoyed it and it was hot, which was nice.

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