National Open Circuit Time Trial Championships – Sheffield Race 6/6

26th of June 2021

Today I did the National Open Circuit Time Trial Championships – Sheffield Race 6/6. It was cloudy but really hot at the same time. My dad and I drove up in the morning and drove around the course. As we suspected, it was quite hilly again.

There were 3 juveniles that turned up to the race, and the girl who started 1 minute after me, who I tried to stay ahead of overtook me exactly on the line so overall she got a 1 minute faster result than mine. She is 14 so I didn’t expect to beat her.

At the start, I forgot I was using the power pedals which I have to push harder to get my foot in, so when I tried to clip in, my foot slipped straight off the front of the pedal, and I lost around 10 seconds.

I had an asthma attack halfway up a hill and slowed down quite a bit there. There was also a quite strong headwind and It was so strong that I had to sprint down a hill and I still only did 15mph which is about 24kph.
Then a bit further on, there was a tight left-hand turn which I completely mis-estimated the tightness of, and almost stopped because I was going to fast and would have crashed if I didn’t brake.

At the next junction, about 6 cars passed and I had to slow right down and lost lots of time.

Overall, I think I did quite decent and it was quite fun. I have a race tomorrow so I’ll see if I can do good then…

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